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   Главная / Ordahanova Almagul Baigozhaevna

Ordahanova Almagul Baigozhaevna




I have been working at KazNPU since 2021. I have more than 20 published works. I combine scientific and teaching activities.  Dissertation research topics: Master`s thesis: "Word-formation derivation in historical discourse: cognitive and linguistic mechanisms". Specialization 6M012200 - Russian language in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction, 2012; doctoral dissertation: "Word-forming means of cognitive space in historical documentary discourse (on the basis of information of Kazakhstan XX centuries 20-30 years) ". Spec. 6D021300 - Linguistics, September 2017.



Educational institution


End date

Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical University

bachelor`s degree in "Russian language and literature in the Kazakh school"


The National Pedagogical University named after Abai

master`s degree, specialty "Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction"


The National Pedagogical University named after Abai, PhD





Name of the academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of the diploma

 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




SUBJECTS TAUGHT (list by training levels)

Bachelor`s degree: Russian language


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - the subject of research, the number of publications (specify 5 significant ones). Research interests: linguoculturology, cognitive linguistics. I have more than 20 publications. Формирование казахских топонимов и этнонимов в русском языке Казахстана (на материале исторических документов 20-х гг.) -Прага: Изд-во Педагогического факультета Карлова Университета в Праге, 2014. - 269 с. (С. 114-124.) // Substance And Methods Of Cognitive Approach in Linguistics. Procedia - Social and Behavioral 192 (2015) P. 720-723. 2nd GLOBAL CONFERENCE on LINGUISTICS and FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING, LINELT-2014, Dubai - United Arab Emirates, December 11-13, 2014 (в соавт. Л.К.Жаналиной) // Языковое сознание и когнитивное пространство. «The Seventh European Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics». Proceedings of the Conference (june 266 2015). «East West» Association for advanced Studies and Higher Edication GmbH. - Vienna, 2015. - 150 P. (P. 98-102). // Word-forming possibility of cognitive field formation in documental historical discourse. Man in India, 96 (11). 2016. - P. 4625-4634: Serials Publications // Strukture and content of the cognitive discourse space of party-government construction in Kazakhstan in 20-30 years of the 20th centry. Man in India, 97 (21). 2017. - P. 617-622: Serials Publications // Документ как источник сведений о языке эпохи. Вестник ЕНУ им. Л.Н.Гумилева». Серия гуманитарных наук. №3 (106). 2015. - С.203-207.




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