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Ospanova Rysgul Ramazanovna


Ospanova Rysgul Ramazanovna, born in 1977, nationality - Kazakh, graduated from the Faculty of History with honors in 2000. In 2001, she enrolled in full-time postgraduate studies at KazNPU. Abaya, specialty 07.00.02 - Domestic history (history of the Republic of Kazakhstan). In 2003, after graduating from graduate school, she was accepted as a teacher at the Department of History of Kazakhstan.

In 2003, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Zaisan kalasy men attas uezinin kalyptasuy zhane damu tarikhy.(1868-1917zh.zh.) aleumettik- ekonomikalyk zhane madeni aspectileri) ".

In 2007, the topic of the doctoral dissertation "Kazakhstan kalalarynn tarikhnamasy (XIX gasyrdyn birinshi zhartys XX gasyrdyn basy was approved. Shygys Kazakhstan materildary negizinde)"". Executive Secretary Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abaya series Series "Historical and socio-political sciences"



Educational Institut


Completion date

Almaty state university after named Abai

Teacher of history


Almaty state university after named Abai

Postgraduate study full-time department




Name of the academic degree

Area of science

Date of the certificate issue

Candidate of Historical Sciences

07.00.02. Domestic history (of the Republic of Kazakhstan)




Name of the academic title

Date of assignment





Local history, historiography, personalities, history of cities, Modern history of Kazakhstan, Foreign policy of Kazakhstan, Ethnology


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications 

The history of the city of Zaisan and the county of the same name (1867). XX century); Historiography of the cities of Kazakhstan and staff and.



More than 50 articles, 10 articles foreign. 1 monograph, 5 textbooks

1. Zaisan region in the years of socio - political confrontation at the beginning of the XX century // greater Altai world, - Ust-Kamenogorsk 2019. RINCZ Volume 5, No. 1-90-99

2.Significance of new technologies in education / / materials of the international scientific conference "Modern scientific potential".

3.the city of Sheffield.-2019. - 28-07 March 29-34

4.socio-economic and cultural history of the city and the House of Zaisan (1868-1917).) Monograph.// - Almaty, 2018. -152 P.

5.oraz Zhandosov`s activity in the development of cultural construction and socio-economic situation in the Semirechye region textbook.// - Almaty, 2018. -104 P.

6. history of Kazakh writing in the seven facets of the Great Steppe / / Bulletin-Bulletin magazine series "history and Politics-Social Sciences", №4 (59), 2018. 418-426 Ed.

7. Zaisan region in the years of socio-political confrontation at the beginning of the XX century / / the world of Bolshoi Altai, UST-Kamenogrosk 2019. RINTZ Volume 5, No. 1-90-99



Kazakh National University named after Abai "The best teacher" badge, 2018,

Jubilee medal " 90 years of Abai Kazakh National University ", 2018.


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