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Ibraimova Zhanar Kazhibayevna
Ibraimova Zhanar Kazhibayevna
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY Graduated from high school in the village of Georgievka, Zharminsky district of East Kazakhstan region, East Kazakhstan state University named after S. M. Kirov, East Kazakhstan state University named after S. M. Kirov. Then he worked as a trainee-applicant of KazNPU. Abai Almaty, studied at the postgraduate school, defended his PhD thesis on pedagogy, currently works at the Abai KazNPU. He has more than 70 published scientific papers. Combines scientific and teaching activities.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Undergraduate studies: Pedagogy, psychology, social psychology, Social pedagogy, pedagogical management, pedagogical skills - teaching in the Kazakh language. In the magistracy: Higher school pedagogy, management psychology, Innovation management, education management.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - - problems of self-knowledge, social psychology. More than 700 scientific publications, including 1 textbook (self-knowledge course. - Almaty, 2007 4.5 b.;) and 2 textbooks published by the authors Association (Practical psychology in higher Education. Textbook Almaty, 2010, Psychological trainings in the educational process. Textbook. Almaty, 2010). One article was published in the journal with Scopus (Application of international experience of professional education in Kazakhstan. Journal" Izvestiyavuzov. Textile industry technology, XXII international scientific and practical forum "SMARTEX-2019", No. 6, 2019.
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant). 1. the formation of moral values among primary school students through the Kazakh folklore. FIDJIP-EUROTALENT-CONCORDE, 2014, Volume 1D C Editions du JIPTO, 2014, 11, rue de la Concorde 10100 Romillysur Seine (France) Directeur de publication : GrigoriTomski g.tomski@gmail.com. ISSN 2269-1545. 21-24 bet. Pimenova R. S., Mailybaeva G. S., Ibraimova G. 2. dual education is the key to quality education. "Integration of school-College-University activities in the context of dual-oriented education". May 12-13, 2016 3. storm training System, experience and development prospects. Dual training of pedagogical education: experience, approaches, problems. Almaty, 2017, pp. 118-121 4. the size of game elements in improving the quality of learning. Scientific seminar "andragogical knowledge in the XXI century: problems and solutions" within the framework of the scientific project "Development of methods of andragogical education in the context of the best novelty of Kazakhstan". Astana, 2018. 115-119 pages. 5. systematic organization and structure of the modern educational process. Bulletin series "Psychology" № 1 (46). 2018.12-18 p.. 6. study of problems of interethnic relations and relations in ethnopsychology. Bulletin series "Psychology" # 2 (47). 2018. pp. 29-33.
AWARDS Best University teacher-2009
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