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Abeuova Shuga Kurmanalievna


Surname and Middle names

Аbeuova Shuga Kurmanalievna

Date and year of birth



1994г. KazNPUof Abay, physical and mathematical faculty, specialty the teacher of physics and informatics

Academic degree and ranks

1. Candidate of philosophical sciences (2010.12.01.№1protocol);

2. Member correspondent АPS Kazakhstan (2018.12.05.  № 4903).

Post after end of higher education institution and the place of work

1994-1997 KAZNPU of Abay a postgraduate study;

1998 the teacher of KAZNPU of Abay.

Scientific interests

Problems of space and time in gnoseological value.

Main publications

1. «Қазіргі заман ғылымы мен философиясындағы кеңістік

мәселесі» manual, MAUN RK of Almaty -2012, 10  printing lsit.

2.Electronic textbook -«Философия», Almaty - 2011

3.Responsible secretary of the magazine: «Philosophical almanac: World of opinions and present»;

4.More 60th article in the Kazakhstan editions, also distant and near for.

Participations in scientific projects

1.Grant project "Sociocultural Adaptation of Youth through an Innovative Discourse - a Component of Formation of the Cultural Intellectuals in Kazakhstan". OO ""Innovative practicians", project Ministry of affairs of religion and civil society.Contract №1-27.03.2017;

2. 2012. grant project of the rector of KAZNPU of Abay: «Сыни ойлау бағытын дамыту үрдісі».  

Since what time work at department?

2013.associate professor of Political science and SPhD.

Public work

Responsible for science.

Contact data


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