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Tashenova Gulnar Kazkenovna



Born on 15.08.1967 in Alma-Ata, in a family of employees. In 1984 she graduated from secondary school № 35 named after Lenin. 1984 - 1989 - Faculty of Biology, Kirov Kazakh State University, diploma with honors. In 1989 - research assistant at the department of human and animal physiology, Faculty of Biology, Kirov Kazakh State University. 1990 to 1991 interned in the laboratory of experimental endocrinology of the Pavlov Institute of Physiology (Leningrad). Ibid (1991-1994) targeted postgraduate study. Since 1995, I worked in the laboratory of lactation physiology of the Institute of Human and Animal Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the position from a senior laboratory assistant to a leading researcher. In 2005 I defended my Ph.D. thesis. Since 2005 I have been a senior lecturer at the Department of Physiology, now the EP Biology. Under her scientific guidance (together with Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dyusembin Kh.D.), the candidate`s dissertation was defended. Member of the Physiological Society of Kazakhstan, member of the EMA REMC of KazNU named after al-Farabi.






Kazakh State University named after CM. Kirov

Biologist. Biology and Chemistry Lecturer.




Name of Academicdegree


Date of issue of the diploma

Candidate ofBiology

03.00.13 - Physiology

9.01. 2006



Bachelor`s degree: Physiology of schoolchildren, Neurobiology, Physiology of humans and animals, Biology of cells and tissues.

Magistracy: Applied Physiology.

PhD-doctoral program: Regulatory systems of the body.



1. "Cellular and humoral mechanisms of normalization of breast function in anemia and associated factors, development of methods for predicting and preventing hypogalactia" (MES RK);

2. "Comparative analysis of blood parameters and erythrocyte resistance in students with different levels of physical activity" (grant from the rector of Abai KazNPU);

3. "Physiological mechanisms of regulation of the activity of somatic and visceral systems of the human and animal organism"; Task 5: "To study the mechanisms of immune-functional changes in the mother-placenta-fetus system in pregnant women with hypothyroidism, to develop recommendations for non-drug methods of correcting the health of mother and child" together with the Republican State Enterprise "Institute of Human and Animal Physiology" CS MES RK;

4. "Optimization of motor activity of female students of a pedagogical university in an innovative educational environment" (grant from the rector of AbaiKazNPU);


- Tashenova G.K. Investigation of the resistance of the breast parenchyma during intoxication with heavy metal salts /SeydakhmetovaZ.Zh., Dyusembin H.D., Tashenova G.K., ShynybekovaSh.S. //Journal. Izv. MO I N i NAS RK, biol series. and med. - 2001. - No. 4. - pp.87-91.

- Tashenova G.K. Increased resistance of erythrocyte membranes of lactating rats with antioxidant preparations under the influence of repeated stress /Tashenova G.K., Seydakhmetova Z.ZH. //Izvestiya NAS RK. The series is biological and medical. - 2004. - No. 6. - pp.72-77.

- Tashenova G.K. The effect of immobilization stress on the resistance of rats during the periods of mammo - and lactogenesis /Tashenova G.K., Seydakhmetova Z.ZH. //Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. - 2005. - № 4 (118). - Pp. 93-95.

- Tashenova G.K., Demeuova S.E. Screening studies of the spread of particularly dangerous infectious diseases //Physiology.  - Almaty. - 2018. -№2(1). - P.126.

- Tashenova G.K. Development of critical thinking in the course of a seminar class // Bulletin of Abai KazNPU, Series "Natural and geographical sciences". - 2019. - №1(59). - Pp. 254-258.



- BalgimbekovSh.A., Tashenova G.K., Nurkenov T.T. A course of lectures on age physiology and school hygiene. - Almaty: Publishing house "Ulagat", Abai KazNPU, 2012. - 104 p.

- BalgimbekovSh.A., Tashenova G.K., Nurkenov T.T. Standard curriculum Frsh 1201 Physiology of school development. 2 credits. For the group of specialties "Education" / Standard training programs. Bachelor course. - Almaty: Publishing house "Ulagat", Abai KazNPU, 2016. - pp. 4-15.

- Balgimbekov Sh., Aizman R., Tashenova G., Nurkenov T. Physiology development of pupils. Textbook. - Almaty, "Dauir", 2016. - 280 p.

- Kucherbaeva S.Z., Temnikova I.S., Tashenova G.K. Natural science 3rd grade. Textbook for the 3rd grade of a secondary school. - Almaty, "Atamura". - 2018. - 168 p.

- Imankulova S.K., Elikbaeva M.O., Tatarinova G.SH., Tashenova G.K., Akhmetov N.K. Workshop on computer games in biology: an educational and methodical manual. - Almaty, Ulagat Publishing House. - 2020. - 82 p.


AWARDS - Anniversary Medal «Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университетіне 90 жыл» for her contribution to the development of the university.



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