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Shynybekova Sholpan Sakanovna



Born on 13.12. 1962 in Taldykurgan region in a family of employees. In 1980 I graduated from the Republican Kazakh Experimental Boarding School No. 2 in Almaty, 1980-1986 - the Biological Faculty of S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University. Since 1980, I have worked in the Laboratory of Lactation Physiology at the Institute of Human and Animal Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the position from laboratory assistant to leading researcher. In 2004 I defended my PhD thesis. Since 2004, I have been a senior lecturer at the Department of Physiology, EP Biology. Under my scientific supervision (together with the leading staff of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abdreshov S.N.), Kozhaniyazova U.N. is preparing to defend her PhD doctoral dissertation. I am the supervisor of theses and master`s theses. In 2020, I was the chairman of the SAC in KazWTTU. I am a member of the Physiological Society of Kazakhstan and a member of the NUR OTAN party.





Kazakh State University named after CM. Kirov

Biologist. Biology and Chemistry Lecturer.




Name of Academicdegree


Date of issue of the diploma

Candidate of Biology

03.00.13 - Physiology

15.06. 2004



Bachelor: Age physiology and school hygiene, Physiology development of schoolchildren, Human and animal physiology, Human and animal central nervous system, Neurophysiology, Human anatomy, Biology of cells and tissues, Histology, physiology of GNI.

Magistracy: Electrophysiology of the cell.

PhD-doctoral program: Regulatory systems of the body.



- Shynybekova Sh. with the study of the resistance of parenchyma milkweed when intoxicating salts of heavy metals /Seidakhmetova Z. zh., Dyusembin H. D., Tashenova G. K., Shynybekova Sh. s. //Journal. Izv. MO and N and Nan RK, series Biol. and med. - 2001. - No. 4. - pp. 87-91.

- Shynybekova Sh. s. the importance of serotonin and histamine in the regulation of the functions of yeast infection / Tungushbaeva Z. B., Shahabayeva A.// The Journal has an impact factor of the Russian scientific citation index (if Rint)Issue No. 2 (2),-2016.-P. 63-68.

- Shynybekova Sh. s. increasing the resistance of the erythrocyte membrane to lactating cells with antioxidant preparations / Tashenova G. K., Seidakhmetova Z. zh. / / Izvestia bread of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The series is biological and medical. - 2004. - No. 6. - pp. 72-77.

- Shynybekova Sh. s. features of the morphofunctional structure of the shield and regional lymphatic system in the norm and when hypothyroidism / Abdreshov S. N., Kozhaniyazova U. N., Demchenko G. A.// reports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, - 2020, - No. 4.p. 11-19.

- Shynybekova Sh. s.ultrastructural Organization of epithelial cells when intoxication with chlorinated cadmium and Correction "Tagansorbent" / Tungushbaevaz.B.,Shynybekova sh.s., Malikovna G., Ongarbayeva A.// Journal has impact factor of Russian scientific citation index (if Rint) Issue No. 2 (2), -2016. - P. 72-76. Odessa

- Shynybekova Sh. s.formation of healthy eating skills among students./ Ededova M. S., Balgynbekov Sh. A. / / Scientific Journal of Physiology No. 2 (1 )2018, Almaty

- Shynybekova Sh.s." Using the Mindmarp Method (Associogram) in the Study of Biology " / Mautenbaev A.A.,Atanbaeva G.K.,Kyrbassova E.A.,Parmanbekova M.Kh.,Baitasheva//A.A. Mautenbaev et al/ J.Phrm. Sci. Res. Vol.10(12),2018, 3214-3215, ISSN 0975-1459, p.3214-3215.

- Shynybekova Sh. s. morphology of the skeletal system in experimental hypothyroidism / Abdreshov S. N., Kozhaniyazova U. N. / / actual scientific studies in the modern world 2524-0986 Issue 12 (56) part2 Pereyaslav 2019 Ukraine

- Shynybekova sh. s.speed of blood clotting in experimental pancreatitis/Abdreshov S. N., Kozhaniyazova U. N.// LVI international scientific conference "actual scientific research in the modern world" Ukraine.Pereyaslav.Release 5 (61)Part 6 26-27 May 2020.

- Shynybekova sh. s. changes in blood flow during pancreatic disorders in animals / Abdreshov S. N., Omarbek E. O., Zhanaydar G. B. / / reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan,- 2021, - No. 3

- Shynybekova sh. s. "Earnhworm castings as an ecologically clean organic fertilizer" / Dzhakupova I. B.,Bozhbanob A.Zh.,SHynybekova Sh.S.// Eueopan Sciences review, Scientific journal № 5-6 2018( 93A-May-June), ISSN 2310

- Shynybekova sh. s.speed of blood clotting in experimental pancreatitis/ Abdreshov S. N., Kozhaniyazova U. N.// LVI international scientific conference "actual scientific research in the modern world" Ukraine.Pereyaslav.Release 5 (61)Part 6 26-27 May 2020.

- D. Shynybekova Sh. s.indicators of enzymes in the blood and lymph in pancreatic and pancreatitis/ Omarbek E. O.// endemic diseases, characteristic for Kazakhstan KRSU Journal STR.163-168

- D. Shynybekova Sh. of the rate of blood flow in acute pancreatitis/ Zhanaydar G. B.// endemic diseases, characteristic for Kazakhstan KRSU Journal STR.159-162

- Shynybekova Sh. s.characteristics of the phylogeny of the circulatory system of animals/ Zhanaydar G. B.// Bulletin of Abai Kaznpu "natural and Geographical Sciences".No. 2 (64) - P. 37-41. 2020

- Shynybekova Sh. s.indicators of enzymes in the blood and lymph in the pancreas and pancreatitis of animals/ Omarbek E. O.// Bulletin of Abai Kaznpu "natural and Geographical Sciences" series No. 3 (65 )-pp. 54-60.-2019.

- Shynybekova Sh. s.thyroid gland and hypothyroidism in rats /Kozhaniyazova U. N., Abdreshov S. N.// Bulletin of Abai Kaznpu "natural and Geographical Sciences".No. 3 (61)-pp. 46-51.-2019.




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