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   Главная / Khamrayev Sheripidin Itahunovich

Khamrayev Sheripidin Itahunovich




He graduated from Abai Almaty State University with a degree in Physics and Computer Science (1993), postgraduate course of Abai Almaty State University with a degree in 010414 -Thermophysics and theoretical Heat engineering (1997).

Candidate of Technical Sciences (1999), Associate Professor of Physics (2004), Professor of Abai KazNPU (2013).

Engineer, teacher, post-graduate student, senior lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of Abai KazNPU.

2002-2022Deputy Director of Academic Affairs, Acting Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science of Abai KazNPU, additionally Professor of the Department of Physics.

09.2022-06.2024 – Head of the office of institutional efficiency of Abai KazNPU.

Since June 3, 2024, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science.

One of the authors of the State Compulsory Standards of Education in specialties 050110-Physics (Bachelor`s degree) and 6N0110-Physics (Master`s degree), published in 2004, 2006, 2010. Member of the editorial board of the journal "Bulletin of KazNPU. Physics and Mathematics series". Member of the educational and methodological section of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council in the direction of "Education".

Developer of educational programs: 6B01504-Physics, 6B01505-Physics in English, 6B01506-Physics-Computer Science, 6B05302-Physics.

Engaged in the development, expertise of educational programs at all levels of education, the organization of the educational process. He has been a certified expert of the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (IAAR) since 2013 and is among the TOP 200 best experts.

He has published more than 80 scientific, scientific and methodical works in the
Kazakhstan and abroad. Has 5 patents for the invention.

He took advanced training courses on the organization and support of the educational process in higher educational institutions:
- Basic principles of the Bologna process in the education system;
- Development of educational programs;
- Training of internal auditors of the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015;
Planning, achievement and evaluation of learning outcomes in the formation of an educational program;
- Training of internal auditors of the anti-corruption management system according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016;
- Reboot of the pedagogical design of educational programs. Innovative technologies and methods in education;
Development of a horizontal-cyclical organizational structure. Transition to an innovative management model.
- Development of educational programs (Erasmus+ project, University of Leipzig (Germany), 2019);
- The World Bank project "Strengthening the potential of pedagogical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" jointly with the University of Applied Sciences of HАМK (Finland) 2021-2022. Pedagogical developer of 30 educational programs for teacher training.
- Risk management at the University, 2022

- Leadership in Education, Nazarbayev University, 2022


- Implementation of the teacher education model and strengthening its content, Hame University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), Finland, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2023




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