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Bakirova Kulzhahan Shaymerdenovna


Professor departments of "Geography of Kazakhstan and ecology" of Institute of natural science and geography of KazNPU the name of ABAI. (КазНПУ) of.Аbay. Scientifically-pedagogical activity: Bakirova Kulzhakhan is a doctor of pedagogical sciences, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor on ecology, has general experience 37. From them 25 in КазНПУ the name of Абая. The best teacher 2012 year. It is the member-correspondent of Academy of pedagogical sciences of Republic of Kazakhstan (АПН РК) and Russian academy of natural science (RAYET). For the special merits in providing of international cooperation of university with the International academy (POPPY) of Фиджип-Евроталантв 2013 to the year of Бакирова К.Ш. it was the recipient of an award the medal of Maria Аньези and awarded diploma of member-correspondent of the International academy CONCORD (POPPY, France).

Due to an agreement on a collaboration between КазНПУ the name of Абая and French POPPY CONCORD, celled at direct and active participation of Бакировой К.Ш., organized by her internship of group of magistrs of different specialities (biologists, chemists, geographers and physicists) to France with the visit of the South university in Paris that is included in топ-500 of the world universities. On results scientifically-pedagogical activity of Bakirova Kulzhakhan more than 250 works are published, including 2 monographs, 14 учебно-методических manuals, 13 reasons by a high impact-factor (RINS, Scopus and Тоmson-Rеuters).
In 1999 and 2000гг. she won the underbacks of the International fund Сорос-Казахстан in the open competitions of on-line tutorials for institutions of higher learning, in 2010-2012 are underbacks of chancellor of university. Bakirova Kulzhakhan manages dissertation works of magysts with the Kazakh and Russian languages educating that actively take part in annual research and practice conferences. Under her guidance 50 магистрантов is produced боле on specialities of 6М011300-"Biology" and 6М060800-"Ecologe". Bakirova Kulzhakhan successfully combines pedagogical activity with the advanced study. She actively participates with lectures in the international conferences sanctified to the problems of ecology and education (Bishkek - 2008, Moscow, Stavropol, Георгиевск - 2008-2012гг., Sofia, Prague - 2011-2013, France, Poland, Tashkent, Ulyanovsk is 2013-2015 гг. Finland, Austria, Hungary - 2016-2017гг).

Taught disciplines: Bakirova Kulzhakhan.taught educational disciplines on ecology on the different faculties of university - in the faculty of international relations (right, political science), pedagogical faculty (deftctology, psychology and pedagogics), and also on a naturally-geographical faculty (geography-ecology, tourism, geography with bases of economy). Presently gives lectures and conducts the laboratory-practical reading with магистрантами and докторантами of university on the row of ecological and biological disciplines. Бакирова of К.Ш. has a row of authorial educational courses that is read to the students of бакалавриата. Such special courses, as "Ecology of man", "Ecology of the water systems", "Basis of scientific researches", "Legal frameworks of ecology", "Ecological world view", behave to them. For reading magistrs and doctors such special courses, as "Planning and organization of НИР", "Conception of steady development", "Hydrobiology", "Bases of ecopolityce, are offered to and worked out and

In-plant training (most meaningful) : 1.Republican institute of in-plant training of leading and scientifically-pedagogical workers of the system of formation of РК. Program of in-plant training for the teachers of pedagogical specialities of institutions of higher learning of РК. of propulsion MODULE the "National center of in-plant training of "Өрлеу" 240 hours. 24.08.-14.10.2013 г.Алматы 2".International organizations and scientific collaboration", Organization by an international academy (POPPY) Concord at the head with the president of Center of work of FIDGIP-EUROTALANTТ, д.м.н., проф. Tomsk Г.В. (France). 72 hour. on May, 3-12. 2013. 3. "International cooperation of scientific organizations", Organization by an international academy (POPPY) Concord at the head with the president of Center of work of ФИДЖИП-ЕВРОТАЛАНТ, д.м.н., проф. Tomsk Г.В. (France). 72 hour. on November, 8-18, 2014 France 4".Innovative technologies are in education, science and business" of the USA, state Texas, an university is Las Vegas 15-26.11.2013.

Social work: Bakirova Kulzhakhan many years works as a juryman or chairman of judge of sector of ecology of research and practice conference of the Small academy of schoolchildren, regional and republican olympiads on the line of "Daryn", organized by Ministry and sciences republics the aim of that consists in an exposure and support of the gifted children. Bakirova Kulzhakhan accepts active voice in public life of university and institute, is the member of Scientific Advice of Institute of natural science and geography, эдвайзером, by a tutor and responsible магистрантов and докторантов of speciality "biology" and "ecology". She is conduct permanent vocational orientation work with schoolchildren, where students pass pedagogical practice with the students of school №33, 12, 159, and also lyceum №42. She advises and is the leader of projects-participants of republican and regional olympiads on biological and ecological directions. She, as a specialist, with large vital and pedagogical experience, tenderly reacts and constantly goes deep in essence of problems of magestrs and doctors.

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