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Open day

May 14, 2015 held «Open Day», organized by the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography with chair Сhair Regional Geography and Tourism. In the event participated 85 learners from eight schools of Almaty city: Gymnasium №12 named after Sh.Ualikhanov, Gymnasium №140 named after M.Makataev, Gymnasium №34, Gymnasium № 13, Gymnasium № 81, Gymnasium №58, Gymnasium 33.
Also, a meeting was organized of pupils and students by specialties "Geography" and "Tourism" of KazNPU named after Abai with senior officials of city administration and alumni, who now heads of travel agencies.
Showing videos was about visit of our institute students in Europe by academic mobility programs, as well as tourist campaigns of students on theme "Student Life".
Teachers and Professor of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography was held a master-class to pupils for preparation to UNT .
Main task of University - is the training of specialists who know how to make the right decisions in the interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan, possessing progressive thinking, knowledge of social, economic and environmental problems.