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At 16.04.2015, in the Chair of Psychological and pedagogical specialties (Master and PhD Doctorate) was held open day on the theme: "The Way to Science"!
Were invited graduate students of the courses of psychological, pedagogical specialties of bachelor degree, teachers of colleges, school teachers of Almaty, graduates of the chair.
The attention of the audience was presented a video on the activities of the chair, which reveals the actuality, features and priorities in preparation for master`s degree and doctoral degree students in the field of the chair specialties . Chair graduates revealed the need for postgraduate education in their speeches.
Master `s degree students will report on academic mobility by using slide presentations and various theatrical productions. 
For the event showed interest and was attended by:
Vice-rector for educational work Ishpekbayev Zhanatbek Ishenkozhaevich, Head of the Educational Department of KazNPU named after Abai Taubayeva Galiya Zakaryanovna, Head of educational work, youth policy and the development of the state language Abdykalykov Arman Ukiulovich, director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Kenesbayev Serik Mukhtarovich, heads of chairs of the IPP and academic staff. 
    In welcoming speech of Head of the chair Abdigapbarova Ulzharkyn Muslimovnа was revealed the importance of education in the magistracy. It was noted that train specialists capable of industrial, socio-economic and intellectual growth of the country, can only be qualified teachers with a master` s degree or doctorate. Master`s degree significantly increases the professional credibility and professional significance among students, colleagues, administrators and parents. Necessity education in magistracy supported by the state.

In the near future will be the Magistracy of the same stage of compulsory education, as it is today - a bachelor.

Magistracy - is a successful life in the future!