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On 21 October, 2017  at Abai  Kazakh National Pedagogical University took place , the  wide -University Spartakiad  "Day of Health".

The sports event began with a run of the team led by the rector of the university and called upon all participants to take an active part in this event.

Rector of the University Takir Balykbayev solemnly opened the event and  noted that the University attaches great importance to the development of a healthy lifestyle and mass sport. At the present time, the Department of Physical Culture of Recuperation and the Department of Theory and Methods of Training Physical Education and Sports Teachers for the Training of Professional Athletes in the Field of Theory and Techniques of Teaching Physical Education Teachers, as well as for attracting youth to sports consistently operate 21 sports sections.

Mayor of Medeu district Yerzhan Zhylkybayev congratulated all participants of the Spartakiad and expressed the hope that such large-scale sports events will find continuation in the future.

The event began with a flashmob  with the participation of over  600 students, then continued with the performance  of sports sections of the Department of  of Physical Culture of Recuperation.

Special guests of the event, cadets of the Military Institute of Radio Electronics and Communication under the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the  Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan demonstrated military performances.

The official part of the Spartakiad continued by sports competitions, teams of institutes competed in the following sports: football, volleyball, wrestling, athletics, table tennis, chess, togyzkumalak and armwrestling. 35 teams and 750 sportsmen took part  from the university.

According to the results of the team standings among faculty staff  the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics took the 3rd place, the Institute of Natural and Geographical Sciences took the 2nd place and the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports took the 1st place.

According to the results of the team standings among students, the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports took the 3rd place, the 2nd place took the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, and the 1st took the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education. All the winners were awarded with Diplomas on behalf of the Rector and special Cups.

During the Spartakiad, active  university staff and teachers  were awarded with letters of thanks of the rector.








Department of educational, social work and youth policy