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      Оn 10 August, 2017, in order to promote national values and spiritual and moral qualities of youth through the literary heritage of Abai, the Department for Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy jointly with the Scientific Center "Hakim Abai" held a cognitive event "The Image of Unique Wisdom".
        The event dedicated to the birthday of the great Abai, which began with the laying of flowers at Abai monument in front of the main university building,which named after the great poet Abai. Then the event was continued by a round table "Abai - wise, Abai - unique". The round table was opened by the pro-rector on educational work Zhanatbek Ishpekbayev and gave the speech to the director of the Scientific Center "Hakim Abai" Zhabal Shoyinbet. The scientist, who studied the world of Abai, shared his impressions of the trip to the State Museum of Zhidebay-Burily and told about the history and literary values that still need to be studied.
        In turn, the university young activists told about a number of conducted events promoting the heritage of Abai, offered to demonstrate the heritage of the great poet to the whole world through various projects.
         At the end of the event, the university young activists held an action in the structural units of our university "Read Abai, be surprised ..." and distributed information brochures "Abai says ...".