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  Негізгі бет / Хабарландыру

At Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University will be held

a competition for filling vacancies of directors of institutes and departments


1. Director of the Sorbonne Kazakhstan Institute - 1

2. Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics - 1

3. Director of the Department of Informatization of Education - 1

4. Director of the Department for Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy - 1

Requirements for the participants of the competition:

- for the post of director of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute: higher education (or post-graduate education), academic degree, experience of scientific and pedagogical activity and work experience at senior positions in the university for at least 5 years, knowledge of French and / or English, certificate (certificate) on the passage of advanced training courses in management education;

- to the post of director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics: higher (or post-graduate) physical, mathematical or IT education, academic degree, experience of scientific and pedagogical activity and work experience in senior positions in higher education institutions for at least 5 years, certificate ) about passing the advanced training courses in management education;

- to the position of the director of the Department of Education Informatization: higher (or post-graduate) physical, mathematical or IT education, academic degree, experience and experience in management positions in the university or in the field of information technology for at least 3 years;

- to the post of the Director of the Department for Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy: higher (or post-graduate) education, work experience in managerial positions or experience in educational work at the university for at least 5 years.


The person applying for participation in the competition, submits the following documents within the deadline specified in the announcement of the competition:

1) an application addressed to the rector of the university on participation in the competition;

2) resume ​​(with a photo)in the state and Russian languages;

3) autobiography;

4) notarized copies of diplomas on higher (postgraduate) education, academic degree and academic title;

5) a copy of the identity document;

6) a copy of the employment record book;

7) copies of certificates of advanced training(in the presence);

8) a list of scientific works and inventions for the three years preceding the date of the announcement of the competition; the list is certified by the chief scientific secretary of the university;

9) medical certificate (form number 086);

10) a certificate of the presence or absence of a criminal record;

11) certificate of the narcological organization;

12) certificate of the psychoneurological organization;

13) characteristics from the last place of work (for persons from external organizations);

14) the program of innovation development of the Institute or the Department for three years.


The participant of the competition has the right to provide additional information on his education, professional level (list of awards and honorary titles, recommendations from the management of the previous place of work), etc.


Documents for participation in the competition are accepted: from May 21 to June 19, 2018 (inclusive).


Documents are accepted at: 13, Dostyk Ave., Almaty, Human Resources Department, Room 103, from 9.00 to 18.00.


Tel: 8 (727) 291-82-57, 291-18-29.