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On 12 April 2018, the Department of Theory and Methodology of the Kazakh Language of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education conducts a competition of scientific projects "KazUPU zhane Alash: taguilym men tagzym".


We invite you to take an active part in this contest, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University and the 100th anniversary of the Alash Orda figures.


The purpose of the scientific project is to study the heritage of the Alash Orda figures who expressed the Kazakh national worldview, who showed the ways of preserving the national culture, language, literature, history, which became an example of conscientious service to the nation, the Motherland, and the connection between the history of the first university of the republic, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, with the current state of the education system.


The participants of the competition must present the project in the form of a presentation (at least 15 slides). The structure of the project should include an introduction, the main part, the conclusion, the list of used literature.


The introduction specifies the relevance, purpose and objectives, ways to solve the tasks of the project.


The main part of the work can include an analytical review of known results on the selected topic, a description of the methods for solving the task, results of work, illustrative material (drawings, graphics, photographs, drawings, etc.).


The conclusion contains the main findings, recommendations on the use of the results of the work for scientific and practical purposes.

Criteria for project evaluation:

- relevance of the research topic - 10 points;

- informative nature of the scientific project - 10 points;

- scientific basis for the project - 10 points;

- Attractiveness of the project -10 points;

- Appropriate design of the project - 10 points.


Admission of scientific projects will last until April 5, 2018. Presentations should be sent by e-mail:

Contact information: 8-707-282-80-28 (Raeva Gulzat Magauovna); 8-707-181-23-27 (Rakhmetova Rajgul Saduakasovna).