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The rector supported the challenge relay race «Kandai kitap okyp zhatyrsyz?»


In connection with the emergency, users of social networks launched the baton as part of self-isolation called «Kandai kitap okyp zhatyrsyz?/What book are you reading?» The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, supported this challenge and published his list of books, newspapers and magazines that he reads today.


Abai KazNPU Rector Takir Balykbayev also took part in this challenge by presenting Facebook, Instagram and Vkontakte list of books and films that he reads and watches these days.



Takir Balykbayev, taking the baton from the President of the country, sent it to his colleagues - rectors of universities and the staff of Abai university, especially youth.



Department of Public Relations