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Seminar "Modern trends in the global economy" 


February 26, 2016, on the base of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University  "Sorbonne-Kazakhstan" Institute  held on a seminar on  theme:"Modern trends in the global economy".

Seminar organized by the Directorate of the  "Sorbonne-Kazakhstan" Institute  and Chair of  "International Law". The purpose of this event: improving economic and legal literacy among the academic staff and students of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, as well as providing conditions for the free exchange of ideas. The event was attended by a consultant of the National Bank of Kazakhstan Mrs. Barbara Kamensky (USA), a group of teachers, students, masters and doctoral students of the  Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.

The seminar opened head of "International Law" chair Doctor of Law, Professor A.A. Sabitova, who welcomed the participants and wished them fruitful work. During the event, was heard the report of Mrs. B. Kamensky on the theme: "Modern trends in the global economy." Mrs. B. Kamensky  has more than 10 years of experience in banking supervision in the Central Asia. In his speech, B. Kamensky reviewed the global economy and highlighted the measures applied by banks to stabilize the situation in the economy, and voiced the successful experience of the banks of Asian countries - Korea, Malaysia, Singapore.
At the end of the meeting the students and teachers were asked relevant questions about the activities of banks in Kazakhstan.
In conclusion, the head of the Chair of economics B.D. Imanberdiev stressed the importance of holding such meetings to improve the economic and legal outlook among young people and proposed to continue to organize similar events, especially the students of the Institute in the future will become employees of banks.