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In memory of the great poet

February 9, 2016, activists of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai paid tribute to the outstanding poet M. Makatayev. The great poet said: "My dear friends, if you really want to explore my autobiography and works, then do not forget to read all what I wrote!" - it was written in his diary. University students recited poems dedicated to the poet, also sang M. Makatayev`s famous songs as "Zharygym-ai", "Meni esіne algaysyn", "Unatamyn senі men." During the event, young people laid flowers at the monument. The event was continued in the main educational building of the university. During the event the students questions about the poet`s life , read poems of the poet. At the end of the event were distributed book about the biography of the poet, which published in the "Kazinform" publishing house.
Mukaghali Makatayev - poet, who gave eternal spirit to the Kazakh poetry , his name is forever inscribed in the history of Kazakh poetry.