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In honor of the writer

Sabit Dosanov - a prominent writer, occupies a special place among Kazakh writers of the older generation. His novels have made a significant contribution to the golden fund of Russian prose. Four-volume novel "20th century", "Ak Aruana" received the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, have been translated into many languages. Recently, his novel "Ak Aruana" was translated into Turkish and Azeri languages.
The writer is the winner of the International Prize of the Russian Mikhail Sholokhov in Russia, the winner of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For the novel "Ak Aruana" he was awarded the International Prize of the Turkic literary fund "For services to Turkic world".
At the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical was held a meeting with Sabit Aymakhanuly Dosanov. The meeting was attended by well-known writers, as Imdad Afshar  (Turkey),  Elkhan Zal (Azerbaijan),  who translated the novel "Ak Aruana" Azeri and Turkish languages, as well as Uzbek writer Mekhmankul Islamkulov and Kyrgyz poet Markhabay Aamatov.

The meeting was opened by the rector of the KazNPU named after Abai , doctor of pedagogical sciences, academician of NAS RK, professor Seryk Zhaylauuly Praliyev.
In his speech, the first deputy chairman of the Writers Union of Kazakhstan Galym Zhaylybay said about the place of the writer in modern Kazakh literature. Famous Turkish writer Imdad Afshar said a huge impact, which has a novel S. Dosanov "Ak Aruana" on Turkish readers as well as the International Prize awarded to the writer of the Turkic literary fund "For services to Turkic world". There were also very informative presentation  of writer Elkhan Zal, Uzbek writer Mekhmankul Islamkulov, Kyrgyz poet Markhabay Aamatov.
S. Dosanov expressed his gratitude to the writers who have translated his novel, and thereby contributed to the development of literary and spiritual ties between the Turkic peoples.
During the meeting there was a presentation of the book S. Dosanov  in Azeri and Turkish languages.
Rector of the Kazakh National Pedagogical named after Abai, academician Serik Zhaylauuly Praliyev  handed writer diploma of the  "Honorary Professor of the Kazakh National Pedagogical  University named after Abai" and professorial mantle.