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   Главная / Kaparova Rymkul Mukatayevna

Kaparova Rymkul Mukatayevna


28.12.1965 was born in the village of Kentubeke, Kostanay region, Arkalyk district.

Works as a senior teacher in the Department of methods of teaching mathematics, physics and computer science, Master of pedagogical Sciences.

1972-1982  graduated from the school of the Kostanay region, Arkalyk district, in the state farm Kayyndy.

1982 to 1984  received the Altynsarin Arpi, 1984  transferred to the direction of the Ministry of education of the Kirov KazGU/al-Farabi/.

1984 to 1988 graduated from Kazakh state University named after Kirov/al-Farabi/,

specialty: teacher of mathematics.

1988-1989g. worked as a mathematics teacher in Akmola region, SS. Valikhanov,

1989-1991 worked as a math teacher Kostanayobl, school them. Mikotova.

1991-1997 worked as a teacher of the Department of algebra and geometry, senior teacher of the Department of higher mathematics of the y. AltynsarinArpi.

1997-1998. a one-year internship at the Department of mathematical analysis at ASU named after Abay/KazNPU/.

1998 - 2001 finished the postgraduate studies at the Department of mathematical analysis at ASU named after Abay/KazNPU/.

12.2001-09.2002 worked as a senior teacher of the Department of higher mathematics of the y. AltynsarinArpi.

2002-2013 worked as a senior teacher of matanalysis, senior teacher of matanalysis, algebra and geometry at AbaiKazNPU.

2013-2015 graduated from the master`s degree in KazNPU named after Abai, at the Department of matanalysis.

2013-2015 she worked as a senior teacher of the it Department at ATU.

In 2015-2018 she completed her doctorate in the Department of methods of teaching mathematics, physics and computer science at the AbaiKazNPU.

2018-2019 worked as a senior teacher of the faculty of Mimm in AbaiKazNPU/ МиММ/.

2019 to present works of senior lecturer, DEP. Empii in KazNPU named after Abai/МПМФиИ/.



Educational Institution


Graduation Date

Kirov Kazakh State University /Al-Farabi/

Mathematics teacher



Abai Almaty State University /KazNPU/

Intern researcher


Abai Almaty State University /KazNPU/

Master student


Abai Almaty State University /KazNPU/

PhD student






Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

Master of Pedagogical Science




TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training)

In the bachelor`s degree: in the present century, the Department taught: Elementary mathematics/algebra, geometry/, History of mathematics, a Workshop on the methodology of teaching mathematics.

Undergraduate courses: In another Department she taught: Matanalysis, Differential equations, TFCP, UMF, atch, Algebra and geometry, Discrete mathematics, Mathematical logic, Algebra, Analytical geometry, Higher mathematics.



At the pedagogical University, he is engaged in the topic of methodological foundations of professionally-oriented training of students of the course of mathematical analysis. About 40 scientific publications have been published, including 1 textbook:

- Introductory course of mathematics, Textbook-Almaty, 2013. - 208 p.

Several articles have been published:

- Студенттерге-болашақ математика мұғалімдеріне математикалық анализ курсын кәсіби бағдарда оқытудың ерекшеліктері. Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университетінің Хабаршы журналының №2(54), 2016;

- Педагогикалық жоғары оқу орнында математикалық анализ курсынан студенттердің өзіндік жұмысын ұйымдастыру. Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университетінің Хабаршы журналының №4, 2017;

Математиканы оқыту әдістемесінен практикалық сабақтарда болашақ математика мұғалімдерінің әдістемелік дайындығын жетілдіру. Хабаршы журналы, №3(63)2018.

- Бір айнымалы функциялардың интегралдық есептеуі тақырыбына технологиялық картаның мазмұнын жобалау., V Global Science and Innovations. International Scienfific Conference. Conference Proceedings. Gdansk Poland, February 10, 2019,  Польша.

- Methodical Aspects of Pupils Teaching to Solve Mathematical Task. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 4s, (2020), pp. 2440 - 2452



Electronic textbook."Atch" (for students of higher educational institutions). - Almaty: 2012, (in Kazakh).



Letter of thanks-diploma, 2012;

Best mentor-diploma, 2013


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