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Akkasov Bakytzhan Kalikanovich



Akkasov Bakytzhan Kalikanovich

Date of Birth

July 11, 1953


I have two higher educations:

1973-1978 Historical faculty of KazPI named after Abai

2000-2002 Faculty of Law, ASU Abai. Diplomas with honors.

Academic rank and degree:

Candidate of Historical Sciences
since 1992. Associate professor of VAK. The Russian Federation, in 2004, was awarded the academic title "Professor" KazNPU named after Abai.



1982-1986 Head of the Department of History of the CPSU, KazSU

1986-1989 Postgraduate Student, KazSU

1990-1991 Teacher of the Department of Political History of KazGU

1992 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, KazSU

1993-1995 Associate Professor of the History Department of KazSU

1995-1997 Associate Professor of the Theory and History of State and Law of KazGYUI

1997-2016 Professor of the Department of State and Civil Law of the Institute of History and Law KazNPU them. Abay.

2016 to date I am a professor at the Department of "Criminal Law"


Scientific interests


The International Question of Terrorism


Main publications


Scientific works: He published 4 monographs and over 380 scientific works, teaching aids. Published in recent years:

1.History of the state and law of foreign countries;  Textbook. - Almaty: ЖетіЖарғы, 2017. -280 pages.

2.Professional ethics of a lawyer: Textbook. -Almaty Жеті Жарғы баспасы, 2018 -80 бет.


Participation in the research project


Did not participate


Since when do you work at the department?


I have been working at the Criminal Law Department since 2016.


Social work


I actively participate in social work at the university, at the institute, at the department.


Contact Information


8-777-240-57-75   mail:

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