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  Негізгі бет  Жаңалықтар

Noted traditional holiday

     In our Republic has become unshakable tradition by all people - young and old, celebrated annually "Day of Knowledge". This day of special importance is attached to the university of the Kazakhstan- Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. And this is no chance. This day begins the new academic year, the students of I course, to go to university this year alone for the first time cross the threshold of student lecture rooms. Of course, this event will remain in their memory forever.
    Excellent passed "Day of knowledge" and in this year. At the solemn event devoted to this day, with a particularly high spirits came professors, teachers, students, and yesterday`s entrants who are fortunate enough to become a student of high school, their parents.
    A solemn meeting was opened by the rector of Kazakh National Pedagogical named after Abai, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the NAS RK Praliyev Seryk Zhaylauovich.
     Praliyev S.Zh. warmly congratulated the staff of university, students and graduates with the beginning of the academic year, and the newly-students entering the university and wished all the best of success in work and study. "This year is special for Kazakhstan, - he said. - This year was marked by the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan People`s Assembly, the 20th anniversary of the Constitution. Ahead of us waiting for another outstanding event - marks 550 years since the founding of the Kazakh Khanate". Then Praliyev S.Zh. focused on the problems of employees of the university and the student youth in the Plan of the nation "5 institutional reforms and 100 concrete steps" proposed by the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev.
      In conclusion, the Rector of the University once again has preferred to those present good results in work and studies.
    At a solemn meeting also made congratulating the director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Professor Kenesbayev Serik Mukhtarovich and head of the chair of Russian language and literature, Professor Abisheva Saule Zhunusovna.
    At the end of celebratory meeting S.Zh.Praliyev awarded to I course students the symbolism of university "Student ID card" and the Key of knowledge.
    The event was continued festive concert with the participation of Kazakh bandstand stars and talented young singers from among university students.