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International Networking on Tuning in Education will take place


Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy holds an international networking event on April 10, 2024. The event is titled "Tuning in Education: trends of international experience at the intersection of Didactics, Psychodidactics, Sociodidactics, Cyberdidactics, Neurodidactics" and is dedicated to celebrating the 95th anniversary of the scientist-didact, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Talgat Sabirzhanovich Sabirov.


The aim of networking: promotion of pedagogical heritage of the scientist-didact, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Talgat Sabyrov, differentiation of world results and directions of development of pedagogical science, exchange of experience Abai University.


The networking can be attended by scientists, university professors, heads of educational systems, teachers, PhD students, master`s students, students and young researchers.


Offline and online forms available for the International Networking Event on April 10, 2024.   


Sections for networking:

1. T.S.Sabirov`s contribution to didactics of Kazakhstan;

2. Modern trends in teaching and learning;

3. Tuning in education: innovative actions in the activity of a teacher;

4. Relevant problems of pre-school education system.        


Official languages of networking event: Kazakh, Russian and English.


Address of the Organising Committee: 050010, Almaty, Tole b. 31, KazNPU named after Abai, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Department of Pre-school Education and Social Pedagogy, office 30.


Contacts: 87771555568 Alimbekova Anar Aimoldanovna, 87054674187 Bulshekhbaeva Asem Isaevna. e-mail:


Information letter