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Round table «Kazakh linguistics and teaching methodology: traditions and prospects»


On December 1, 2023 a national round table «Kazakh linguistics and teaching methodology: traditions and prospects» will be held, organised by Abai KazNPU and the Centre for Coordination of Linguistic Studies. The event is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Nurjamal Oralbaykyzyzy and the opening of the lecture hall named after her. Moderator - Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Karimbek Kurmanaliev.


Honoured Worker of Science of the RK, Honorary Academician of the Kazakhstan Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Oralbay Nurjamal in 1989-1997 held the position of Vice-Rector, Head of the Kazakh Language Department of Abai KazNPU, where she worked until the end of her life. In addition, she is the author of more than 300 scientific articles, more than 20 textbooks and monographs. She has trained more than 70 doctors and candidates of sciences, was the chairman of the Doctoral Dissertation Council opened at the university.


In the session dedicated to the outstanding scientist of the country, her colleagues and students - academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, famous scientists and teachers will take part and make speeches.


Time: 01.12.2023, 10:00.


Venue: 13, Dostyk Ave., 050010, Almaty, 050010, Main academic building of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.