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A discussion of the Message of the President of the RK to the people of Kazakhstan took place in Abai KazNPU


On 8 October, 2018, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University held a discussion of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev to the People of Kazakhstan «Growing welfare of kazakh citizens: increase in income and quality of life».

Vice-rectors, heads of departments; teaching staff and students of the university attended the discussion. The fact that Nursultan Abishevich delivered a message on the day of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the country`s oldest university - Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, caused a heightened enthusiasm and a special emotional mood during the discussion.

The meeting was opened by the rector Takir Balykbaev, who outlined the main provisions of the Message of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan. In his speech, the rector paid special attention to the initiatives of the Head of State related to the task of "Improving the quality of life", namely, issues of quality and accessibility of education, improving the quality of pre-school education, shifting emphasis in education towards the 4K model: the development of Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, ability to work in a team.

«The statement of the President of the country that «... next year ... it is necessary to develop and adopt the law «On the status of the teacher» is a huge breakthrough for teachers. Since we are a pedagogical educational institution, this question is directly related to us. I will note, - the rector emphasized, - the most important is the fact that in modern conditions the requirements for the quality of training are increasing. Among the main criteria for assessing the success of a university are the employment of graduates after graduation, their employment in highly paid jobs; pursuing a policy of consolidation of the university; developing partnerships with leading universities in the world, attracting the best foreign top managers to work, according to the experience of Nazarbayev University.

Each new address of the President of the country to the people is the defining vector of the successful development of our state. This is a strategically important country document. In the field of education at the present stage, a number of new problems have been identified, in connection with which the Address addresses the following topical issues:
- within 5 years to increase spending on education, science and health care from all sources to 10% of GDP;
- dramatically improve the quality of pre-school education;
- to bring secondary education to a new level that meets the requirements of the time;
- to raise requirements to the quality of training in higher education institutions.

We are called upon to solve the strategic tasks set forth by the President in the Address, especially in the pedagogical sphere, without delay for the benefit of the younger generations and the successful development of our Motherland.

The main reports at the meeting were made by: vice-rector for educational and methodical work Gabit Kenzhebaev («Growing welfare of kazakh citizens: increase in income and quality of life»); Head of the chair of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines Zhomart Simtikov («Political and social significance of the Message of the President to the people»); Professor of the Law Department of the Institute of History and Law Bakytzhan Toleubekova («On the draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the status of teachers»).

Students, on behalf of whom the sophomore of the Institute of History and Law Aziz Baynazar and the fourth-year student of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science Anna Klim, took part in the discussion of the President`s Address.

The participants of the meeting actively asked questions and exchanged views on issues of high-quality implementation of the tasks of the President`s Address.














Department of Public Relations