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Application for the election of a candidate for a vacant position


Vacancy is closed


Name of the vacant position:

Accountant of accounting department

The main functional responsibilities of the structural unit:

- Maintaining accounting and reporting, obligations and business transactions;

- Development of forms of the primary accounting documentation on the basis of standards;

- Formation of the complete and authentic information about economic processes and financial results of university activity;

- Control of presence and movement of property, use of material, labour, financial resources according to the approved norms, norms and estimates;

- Paying salaries to the employees, deducting PIT and income tax with the respective remittance;

- Accrual and transfer of taxes to the national and local budgets and preparation of tax returns.

Main job responsibilities:

Accrual of wages, sick leave, holiday pay, termination payments.

Reflection in the accounting system on the accounts of transactions related to the movement of accrued income of employees.

Accrual and payment of stipends to students, accrual of income on received payments for accommodation in the dormitory.

Accounting revenues from providing services on grants, revenues from providing educational services on a paid basis.

Preparation and submission of statistical reporting on wages, tax reporting to the relevant authorities.

Going on business trips:



Higher education in economics, certified professional accountant


Required professional experience (duration, field, other)

At least 3 years in the profession.

Professional Competencies:

Executiveism, commitment and the ability to take responsibility for the decisions you make


Personal competencies and qualities:

Development of decisions, ability to work with information, achieving goals.


Knowledge of languages, including the national language (list of languages the candidate must be proficient in)

Kazakh, Russian.


Computer skills:

Knowledge of 1C: Enterprise;

Knowledge of accounting systems SONO, the Cabinet of the taxpayer;

Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Outlook;


Resume submission deadline:

till September 16, 2022

Contact Person:

Lambekova Torgyn

tel (8727) 291-90-12 +77017128640