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MGPU will begin a global digitalization of the educational process



Partner of Abai Kazakh National University - Moscow City Pedagogical University (MSU) - announced the start of a contest for the best concept of the establishment of the Institute of Digital Education in its structure.

As the organizers of this contest note, «the main task of the competition is to outline the prospects for improving the structure of the university with a focus on quality digital education, new technologies for training professionals based on the concepts obtained».

«At the first part of the contest, which will last a month, the finalists will be selected, then their authors will have to make a public presentation and protect their project before the contest commission», said Tatyana Apostolova, head of the Public Relations Department of the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

The competition will be held from December 18, 2017 to February 15, 2018 in two stages: correspondence and full-time. To participate in it are invited employees of universities, teams of scientists and teachers interested in the development of digital education. To get acquainted with the details of participation in the competition and the rules of registration of applications, you can click on the link.