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Literary drawing room «Visiting Korney Chukovsky»

Abai KazNPU, publishing house «Almatykitap baspasy», Russian House in Almaty, State Academic Russian Theater for Children and Youth named after Natalia Sats, Specialized Lyceum No. 165 in Almaty are holding a literary lounge dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the birth of K.I.Chukovsky and the Year of Children in Kazakhstan.

Visit at Korney Chukovsky
The evening is attended by: Pavel Kryuchkov - literary critic, sound archivist, researcher at the V.I. Dahl (House-Museum of Korney Chukovsky), Deputy. ch. editor of the Novy Mir magazine (Moscow); Tatyana Kostyuchenko - leading actress of the State Academic Russian Theater for Children and Youth named after Natalia Sats, holder of the Order «Kurmet» (Almaty); Tatyana Baryshnikova - Consul of Russia, head of the Russian House in Almaty.

Time: April 7, 2022, at 16.00

Join a Zoom meeting

Conference ID: 792 813 6773

Access code: 12345