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Historical and educational event «Heritage of A. Baytursynov»

On 30 January 2018, within the framework of the program «Rukhani zhanguiru» was organized a historical and cognitive event «A.Baitursynov`s Legacy», dedicated to the memory of the writer, researcher, Turkologist, publicist Ahmet Baitursynov. The Department for Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy and M. Gabdullin Scientific Center «Tulgatanu» initiated the event.

The host of the event was the specialist of M. Gabdullin Center «Tulgatanu», Professor Saltanat Iztyleuova. With a welcoming speech, the Director of M. Gabdullin Center «Tulgatanu», Doctor of Historical Sciences Dana Mukatova addressed the participants of the meeting.

Among those present there were representatives of the faculty and students of the University. The niece of writer Akhmet Baitursynov Ayman Baisalova, the dean of the Faculty of Philology and World Languages of Al-Farabi KazNU, doctor of philological sciences Omirkhan Abdimanuly, head of the grammar department of A. Baytursynov Institute of Linguistics, doctor of philological sciences Orynai Zhubayeva, director of A. Baitursynov museum Raykhan Imakhanbet were invited to the event.

Attention of the audience was presented to the collection of the scientific heritage of Ahmet Baitursynov and a documentary about the life and work of the great scientist was shown.








M.Habdullin Center «Talgatanu»