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Open Day

On 15 February 2018, the Department of Philological Specialties for Foreign Citizens and the Pre-University Preparation of the Faculty for Foreign Citizens and Pre-University Training (Foundation) held an Open Day. The purpose of this event is vocational guidance among students in secondary schools and colleges. The event was held within the framework of celebrating the 90th anniversary of KazNPU and the 25th anniversary of the department.

The program of the Open Day included the acquaintance of the leadership and students of the International Kazakh-Chinese College with the pedagogical staff of the faculty and students, a conversation about the specialties for which they study at KazNPU.

In order to popularize the profession of the teacher and exchange experience, teachers Saule Begaliyeva, professor Bahytgul Balgazina, associate professor Togzhan Aytkazina and master Laila Mamytbekova conducted an open lesson project on the Russian language «Visiting card of KazNPU». At the lesson, the students of the college showed good knowledge of the grammar of the Russian language, showed resourcefulness and creativity in the creation of projects «Welcome to KazNPU», «Virtual tour of KazNPU».

On behalf of the guests, Gulzhakhan Azhibayeva, the head of the college for study, spoke about the importance and necessity of such meetings. The students of the college thanked for the interesting lesson and showed interest in entering KazNPU.










Faculty for foreign citizens and pre-university training (Foundation)