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International scientific and practical conference "Apple Tree of the Sivers (Malussieversii (Ledeb) M.Roem): global conservation strategy"


On 2-8 May 2018, the international scientific and practical conference "The Apple Tree of Sivers (Malussieversii (Ledeb) M.Roem): a global conservation strategy" was heldin Almaty.


The organizer of the conference is the International Fund for Conservation "Apple Tree of Sivers", "Caspian University".


The purpose of the conference is to analyze the international experience of scientific research on Sivers apple tree, to unite the efforts of the world community of scientists to solve theoretical and scientific-practical problems of preserving the natural range and genetic resources of world significance.


The conference was attended by more than 120 people, including foreign scientists.The USA was represented by Professors of Cornell University Herbert Aldwinkle and Philip Forsline, representatives of the US Department of Agriculture Gile Wolf and John Norelli and expert in agriculture and natural resources (Washington State) Steve Van Vlet. The representatives of France Catherine Pax and Hubert Dieder (ALMA Association, Paris), professor of genetics Pascal Eytzler (University of Strasbourg), Annick Lenoble Schnitzler (Ministry of Ecology of France), representatives of Italy the chairman of the ISNS Commission on Genetic Resources Pino Kalkani and Professor of the Center for Genetic Research of Horticulture of Rome Damiano Avacito, scientists from China, Germany and other countries attended at the conference.


The scientific event was also attended by the heads and staff of the scientific departments of the state national natural parks and reserves of Kazakhstan, where the Siversa apple tree is protected (Ile-Alatau SNPP, Jongar-Alatau SNPP, Altyn-Emel SNPP, Kolsai Colderi SNPP, State Nature Reserve Semey Ormani, genetic reserves of the Tarbagatai Mountains), Almaty State Reserve (Almaty Region), Aksu-Jabagli State Reserve (SKO), representatives of scientific organizations and the Research Institute of the RK (Institute of Biology and Biotechnology, the Institute of Botany and Phyto-Intrusive Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.), representatives of universities and interested public.


Within the framework of the cooperation agreement with the Center for Remote Sensing, the conference was attended by the head of the Department of Botany and General Biology, Professor Sofya Imankulova.


During the discussion of the project "Strategies for preserving Sivers apple tree", a preliminary plan for future scientific research has been developed.


The materials of the conference will be published in the rating international scientific journals and in a separate collection in Russian and English.






Department of Botany and General Biology