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Children`s Competition of local history mathematical problems for junior schoolchildren named after Professor T.K.Ospanov

The competition is announced on February 15, 2022. The collection of competitive works is carried out until March 25, 2022.

The competition is held remotely: the selection of works by the competition commission is carried out from March 25, 2022 to March 30, 2022; the announcement of the results is on April 2, 2022. The best works will be presented on the website of Abai KazNPU. Diplomas are sent electronically to the participants` e-mail.


The competition is held in age groups: 1st grade students, 2nd grade students, 3rd grade students, students of the 4th grade. Language of participation: Russian, English, Kazakh.

Contest Nominations: «Architecture of the native land»; «Cultural life of my city (district, village)»; «Sports achievements of my city (district, village)»; «The history of my region»; «The feat of my people during the Great Patriotic War»; «Geography of my region»; «Outstanding personalities of my small homeland».

Information letter by the link

The works are attached to the registration form by the link