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At the Institute of History and Law an extended meeting will be held


On February 17, 2022, at 14.00, at the enlarged meeting of the department «History of Kazakhstan» named after Academician T.S.Sadykov of Institute of History and Law of Abai KazNPU, a discussion of the dissertation work of Asem Kayratovna Sadykova «History of institutions of professional and teacher training (for example, Semirechenskaya and Syrdarya regions in the second half of XIX century-1917)» for the degree of PhD will be held.


The domestic scientific adviser is the teacher of the Department «History of Kazakhstan», Doctor of History S.S. Sayfulmalikova (Almaty, Kazakhstan).


Foreign scientific adviser - Professor of the Kazan National Research Technological Institute, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences R.R. Iskhakova (Tatarstan, Russia).


The reviewers are professors of the department «History of Kazakhstan» of Abai KazNPU professors T.T.Dalaeva and B.K.Abdigulova; associate professors E.N.Ermuhanov, R.R.Ospanova and E.T.Kalieva; PhD D.B.Asymova.




Conference ID: 992 9068 4458


Code: 747109


Address: 25 Zhambyl Street, 603 Auditorium, Almaty, Kazakhstan