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Scientific Seminar «Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics»

On February 10, 2021, at 15.00, a scientific seminar «Differential equations of mathematical physics», organized jointly with Abai University and the International University of Information Technologies, will be held in the form of an extended meeting together with the city scientific seminar «Mathematical problems of natural science. Inverse and ill-posed problems» (al-Farabi University, meeting № 74 (105)).

Link to connect:


Conference ID: 750 3985 9731

Access code: 4j3G6t

Time: 15:00, February 10, 2021.

Seminar leaders:
- Doctor of Physics and Mathematical sciences, Professor, Academician of NAS RK, М. Оtelbayev,
- Doctor of Physics and Mathematical sciences, Professor at Abai University, М.А. Bektemesov,
- Doctor of Physics and Mathematical sciences, Professor at Abai University, А.S. Berdyshev,
- Doctor of Physics and Mathematical sciences, Professor at Abai University, B.D. Коshanov,
- Doctor of Physics and Mathematical sciences, Professor IITU, B. Rysbaiuly,
- Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, al-Farabi University, Ph.D., D.B. Zhakebayev.

Speaker - doctoral student Abai University, Ryskan A.R.

Topic: «Multidimensional hypergeometric functions and their application to the solution of boundary value problems for degenerate second-order partial differential equations».

The variety of problems leading to hypergeometric functions has led to a rapid increase in the number of functions used in applications. Many of their properties are not well understood. It is necessary to establish differential equations and systems of partial differential equations of the second order, which they satisfy. This allows you to reveal their additional properties. The properties of multidimensional hypergeometric functions and their applications in solving boundary value problems for partial differential equations of the second and higher orders are studied.

Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling