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Excursion to the Akhmet and Gaziza Zhubanov Memorial Museum


On February 28, 2024, 1st year students of the Institute of History and Law of the specialty «6b01602-history-religious studies» together with Deputy Director for Educational Work Nurlan Manapov and senior lecturer Arayl Kenzhebekova toured the Akhmet and Gaziza Zhubanov Memorial Museum, located in the historical center of Almaty. The museum is located at the address: Almaty, Karasai Batyr str., 61/67, sq. 78.


The museum - apartment presents expositions of outstanding cultural figures of Kazakhstan -academician, People`s Artist of the Kazakh SSR, composer, conductor Akhmet Kuanovich Zhubanov, People`s Artist of the USSR, composer, Professor Gaziza Akhmetovna Zhubanova, national hero, People`s Artist of the USSR, director, Professor of Azerbaijan Madievich Mambetov.


The museum`s archive consists of unique exhibits about the life and work of famous cultural figures, such as video and audio materials, manuscripts, notes, books, photographs, personal belongings.


The students got acquainted with the way of life and the works of historical figures, and received a lot of information.

