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Forum "Continuity of Generations: Preservation of Family Traditions and Values"


On February 23, 2024, the International Scientific and Practical Forum "Continuity of Generations: Preservation of Family Traditions and Values" was held on the basis of Abai KazNPU together with the Kazakhstan Society of Women Scientists. The aim was to discuss topical issues related to the continuity of generations and the role of family traditions and values.


The event was attended by major scientists, doctoral students and master`s students from different regions of Kazakhstan, as well as representatives of the country`s leading universities, secondary educational institutions and cultural institutions.


One of the main objectives of the forum was to create a scientific platform where participants could discuss issues of preserving and strengthening the institution of the family and make concrete proposals. The participants represented different fields of science and practice, which made it possible to enrich the discussions and obtain a variety of views on the subject.


Important aspects of intergenerational continuity through the study of the best family traditions and their strengthening in society, primarily among young people, were discussed. All the presentations were informative and noted as important and timely. The issues of preserving significant family traditions to ensure continuity and using mechanisms for their transmission to new generations were touched upon. Particular attention was paid to the role of parents in preserving family traditions and, on their basis, raising children and their adaptation in society. Challenges and obstacles arising in the preservation of national customs, changes in family traditions and their impact on modern youth, the role of the older and younger generations in preserving the institution of the family, the importance of the native language in the upbringing of children and its role in the transmission of family traditions and values between generations were considered.


As part of the forum, a round table was held, at which special attention was paid to the role of mothers in shaping family traditions and values in children. Participants actively shared their experience and experiences, presented recommendations and exchanged opinions, which created a valuable space for discussion and development of this topic.


An important aspect of the forum was its practical orientation. The results and recommendations obtained at the forum will be actively used by teachers of urban and rural schools in their work with the younger generation, which will allow them to preserve family traditions and pass them on to their children, taking into account modern challenges and requirements.

The resolution adopted at the forum will become the basis for the development of programmes and teaching methods focused on intergenerational continuity and family traditions. It will be actively popularised among educators and considered as a normative document indicating the importance of taking family values into account in the educational process.


The International Forum demonstrated the importance of this topic and the high interest in its study and application in practice. The forum became a platform for sharing experience, discussing and developing new approaches and strategies in working with the younger generation, and all participants emphasised the need to preserve family traditions and values in modern society.





