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Introductory conference on pedagogical practice


According to the curriculum, students of the Institute of Philology, Chair of Oriental Philology and Translation in the specialty "6B01709 - Teacher of oriental languages with knowledge of English" 3rd year (Chinese, Arabic, Turkish, Korean), "6B01707 - Uyghur language and literature - English" 3rd year, by order of the Chairman of the Board, Rector of Abai KazNPU, from January 18 to April 27, 2024 were sent for teaching practice to the private gymnasium "AiSaf-Almaty", Private school for girls "AiSaf", Pedagogical College of Foreign Languages ​​in Almaty, LLP language school "Khansan" of Almaly district, School-gymnasium No. 101 of Zhetysu district of Almaty.


The conference on opening practice in these specialties was held online on the ZOOM platform on January 22, 2024. The head of the chair, N.N.Konkabaeva, the master responsible for practice in the department, senior teacher A.N.Raeva, teachers - methodologists: master, senior teachers R.K.Orazova, N.Kh. Kospaganbetova, E.V. Burmistrova, candidate of philological sciences, senior teacher Sh.B. Baratova were invited to the opening conference. During the conference, the goals and objectives, rules of practice were explained, and answers to students`questions were given.

