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Visiting educational session with famous Russian scientists


On November 13, 2023, the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology hosted a visiting educational session with well-known Russian scientists in the field of preschool education on the topic "Preschool childhood is a challenge for adults". Lecturers: Igor Shiyan - Head of the Child Development Laboratory of the Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education of MCPU. The main directions of the scientist`s research are adult development and assessment of the quality of education; Olga Shiyan - associate professor at MCPU, engaged in research in the field of dialectical thinking of children and adults, research in the field of quality of preschool education using international ECERS-R scales.


The educational session was attended by teachers, doctoral students and undergraduates of the Department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy. This event was held in a productive and creative atmosphere and an active discussion. Participants of the session noted the novelty and relevance, practical and methodological value of the issues presented for discussion.





