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New directions in improving the quality of preschool education and training


On 24-25 August 2023, the Republican August meeting of education workers "Fair Kazakhstan: Quality Education, Fair Generation, Successful Nation" was held in 20 regions of the country. This year the traditional event was held in a new format. All 20 regions of the country were divided into certain thematic areas.


The panel session of preschool education workers, organised by the Institute of Early Childhood Development of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was held in Kyzylorda on the theme "Strategic objectives and national values of the new direction of the quality of preschool education and training". On the first day of the sectional work, teachers discussed topical issues of improving the quality of preschool education and training and shared their experience. Based on the results of theoretical and practical research, teachers of preschool organisations analysed and discussed the issues of introducing innovations into the preschool education system.


The sectional work of the forum was organised in the following areas:
- Professional and personal development of teachers of preschool organisations;
- Object-developing educational environment as a guarantee of personality formation;
- Equal opportunities for education;
- Quality and management of private preschool organisations;
- Criteria for assessing the quality of preschool education and training;
- Cooperation between preschool organisations and families in the upbringing of children.

Within the framework of the August meeting at the panel session for teachers of preschool organisations, the head of the Department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Abai KazNPU, Professor U.K.Kyyakbaeva in her report "Provision of educational programmes of the university with the methodology of inclusive education" noted the goals, main objectives and directions of inclusive education in the field of preschool education and upbringing.


Doctoral student of the 3rd year of speciality "Pedagogy of preschool education and upbringing" Ayezova Aizhan made a report "Object-developing environment as a guarantee of improving the quality of preschool education". Based on the international experience of Germany, Japan and Great Britain, she noted that the quality of preschool education and training is directly related to the correct organisation of the subject-developmental environment. Using the example of kindergartens in France and Italy, she made a presentation on the peculiarities and areas of work of a teacher.


The second day of the forum was held in the Drama Theatre named after N. Bekezhanov. During the plenary session, the best managers of educational organisations, experts and pedagogical innovators in their reports noted ways of implementing the main tasks of the new academic year. The August meeting ended with an award ceremony for veterans and education workers.





