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Online webinar «Distance learning of students with disabilities: experience, problems, prospects»


The Virtual Laboratory of Inclusive Education, created by Post-Graduate Education and International Cooperation Department of MES RK dated 05.06.2015, is functioning under the Resource Advisory center for inclusive education for higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan to disseminate effective experience on inclusive education. The Virtual Laboratory regularly conducts online webinars with the participation of leading domestic and foreign specialists.

On July 8, 2020 at 15.00, it is planned to hold the next online webinar on ZOOM platform on the theme: «Distance learning of students with disabilities: experience, problems, prospects». Speaker: famous Russian scientist Aismontas Bronius Bronevich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Distance Learning of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University, Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in Education, Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Link to the webinar:


Conference ID: 878 7952 0021 Password: 206717.

We invite all interested persons to participate in the seminar as speakers and listeners!