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In the period 07.11.2016-08.02.2017 years, Lecturer of the Philological specialties for foreigners ( Preparatory Faculty of Abai KazNPU ) Zhanar Beysbekova has  

official visit at  "Abai Center" on the base Yili Normal University (Yining, China)

During the business trip was organized a meeting with the head of International Cooperation N. Adenuly and deputy heads Zhan Hau and G.Korkemkyzy. They discussed planned activities of the "Abai Center" for the 2016-2017 academic year , approved by the Mr. Ma WenHua - Rector of Yili Normal University and issues of academic mobility of students and lecturers.
According to the "Abai Center" work plan the following activities were carried out:
Together with the head of "Akkaynar" web-site were conducted a debate on the topic "The advantages of learning abroad" with 1,2,3,4 years course students of the Kazakh language and literature, and with the Chinese students. In the discussion of the students of the two universities we noted the importance of such exchanges and compared the educational system of each university. The debate took place in the Chinese and English languages. Students showed their abilities: they sang, danced, sang Korean songs and expressed their gratitude to the universities that provide such opportunities. At the end of the head of the web-site "Akkaynar" K. Nurgaliuly awarded prizes to students from Abai KazNPU and sang Abai`s song "Zhelsіz tunde zharyk - ai / There is a bright moon in a quiet, windless night".
To Students of the Yili Normal University in form of presentations showing the goal of creating the Abai Center and educational opportunities by the academic mobility programme. Kazakhstan students were awarded with certificates from International Cooperation Department and Professors of the Yili University.