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Akhmet Baitursynov - poet of Independence

On 10 December, 2021, in the online format as part of educational work at the Abai KazNPU, there was held a poetry competition on the theme «Akhmet Baitursynov - poet of Independence», in preparation for the 150th anniversary of the educator. The competition was held at the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education, Department of Eastern Philology and Translation. Students of groups 101 and 102 of the specialty «Teacher of the Oriental (Korean) language with knowledge of English» with advisor teacher Natalya Slavikovna Nam, learned about the life and work of Akhmet Baitursynov - a Kazakh public and statesman, educator, linguist, literary critic, translator. The aim of the competition was:
1. Development of students` cognitive interest in the history of the country.
2. Raising the intellectual level of students.
3. Raising awareness of involvement in the fate of their country, patriotism and responsibility as future teachers.

This event, held as part of the educational hour, was attended by teachers of the Department of Eastern Philology and Translation: head of the department G.Kh.Abdrakhmanova, Senior teachers R.K.Orazova, Sh.Baratova, Zhangul Madientkyzy, Zh.U. Sultanbayeva.

Students prepared speeches about A. Baitursynov`s activities in Kazakh and Russian, and also translated some of his poems into Korean.

In the conclusion of the head of the department G.Kh.Abdrakhmanova thanked the 1st year students of the specialty «Teacher of the Oriental (Korean) language with knowledge of English» for their conscientious study, for mastering the array of knowledge in the Korean language despite a short time, for fluency in several languages, as befits students of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education and wished them further academic success.