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Results of the National Business Rating

As previously reported, according to the National Business rating of Kazakhstan, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai entered in the Top 50 leading enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Under the economic rating of economic entities on the criterion of "Capital productivity of current year" University took second place and received the Gold and status "Industry Leader 2016", which confirmed by Medal "Industry Leader 2016" National Certificate "Industry Leader 2016".
Medal "The Pride of the economy" was awarded the Rector of the University Praliyev Seryk Zhaylauovich, the medal "For professional services" was awarded the Vice-rector for Economic and production issues Turarbayev Gani Kalikulovich, Certificate "Specialist of the Year 2016" received the Chief Accountant Abdrasilova Gulzhan Orazovna.

Press-Center Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University