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The result of fruitful work

3 Feb 2021 associate Professor of the Department of political science and socio-philosophical disciplines of the Institute of history and law, candidate of philosophical Sciences and responsible for educational work at the Department madaliyeva Zhanyl Kairzhanovna became the winner of the contest «the Best worker of the semester» among the teaching staff according to the results of the first semester 2020/2021 academic year, gaining 57.1% of the vote according to the results of the survey of students in the form of «Teacher student».

Zhanyl Kairzhanovna is a teacher who attaches special importance to the deep, comprehensive education of students in the disciplines taught. This is evidenced by the seminar « presentation of textbooks on philosophy in the Kazakh language «in order to familiarize 2nd-year students with published books under the project «100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language», implemented within the framework of the program» Rukhani Zhangyru».


Zh. K. Madalieva has also been engaged in research work in the publications of the Scopus «Patriotic Philosophy Values as a Driving Factor of Development of Kazakhstan» Utopía y praxis latinoamericana (Año: 25, N° extra 10, 2020, pp. 142-150 Revista internacional de filosofía y teoría social Cesa-fces-universidad del zulia. Maracaibo-venezuela Issn 1316-5216 / ISSN-e: 2477-9555). Also in journals recommended by CCES of MES RK «formation and development of the value idea in the history of philosophy» (Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. «Series of Social and Political Sciences», Almaty, 2020, No. 2 (65), p. 271-176.), « The concept of education in the philosophy of Al-Farabi as a moral virtue «(journal «The World of Man» No. 2 (84), pp. 20-26., 2020). In addition, he participated in the discussion of current issues at international scientific and practical conferences, the report «the educational meaning of the words of edification of Abai» was included in the collection of materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference in Nur-Sultan.


Being a qualified specialist in your business always requires improving your knowledge. In this regard, he takes advanced training courses «management in education: modern information technologies in digital education and distance learning», organized by the Republican Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Development «Damu». As a result of such painstaking work, Madalieva Zhanyl was awarded a diploma.