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Within the framework of broadcast Nazarbayev University`s experience at the higher educational institutions of the republic, , with the aim to implement the principles of autonomy in the implementation of educational, scientific, financial, international activities, on 26 May, 2016 on the basis of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University took place a seminar -training on theme: " Higher education governance and management" for the Top -managers of Abai KazNPU and Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University (40 participants) with the participation of representatives of the Department of additional education of Nazarbayev University Graduat school - Dauren Aben.
The training was conducted with the participation of members of the Supervisory Board of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University - Balgimbayev N.A., head of information and analytical work, Akimat of Almaty City, Matyzhanov K.S., head of the Office for Religious Affairs of City Akimat, deputy of Almaty Maslikhat Abdullayev S.K., from Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University - employers of compulsory schools: Kirgizbayeva R.S., chemistry teachers (the highest category) Sh.Ualikhanov school, , Idraliyeva R.M., honorary employee of education RK, deputy chairman of the NGO "The trade union of workers of agro-industrial complex of Almaty".
Handler - Peter Eckel - Director of Leadership Programs Graduate School of Education , University of Pennsylvania (USA).
Within the framework of training, participants discussed the issues of regulating the activities of supervisory boards, management of the basic principles of the National Assembly, and especially the role and activities of the Supervisory / Board of Trustees. In addition, features have been considered and examples of international best practice of university governance.
Peter Eckel in his speech stressed the importance of properly structured system of corporate governance in higher education institutions in the context of experience Boards of Trustees of American universities: "From the involvement of members of the supervisory board / trustees in the case of high school largely
depends on its success," - he said. He also added that the selection of the members of the Supervisory Board / Board of Trustees and TOP - management very important understanding of key competences and skills that they need to have it in the first place, it is necessary to develop an effective strategy for the higher educational institution.