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Alumni Forum


On 26 April, 2018 the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology and the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education held the "Forum of PMPE Alumni" within the framework of the decade "Specialties" Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education"- 35 years".


The purpose of the Forum is to unite graduates of different years and discuss professional tasks with them; To develop interest and a sense of pride in their specialty among students; develop the professional skills of the future teacher.


We invite all students and graduates of the specialty to participate!


Organizers: Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, chair of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education (coordinators: Astambaeva Zhupat - 87772992677, Nurzhanova Sazhilya - 87019971984).


Venue: Almaty, Tole bi, 31. Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, Auditorium 15.


Appendix: Alumni Forum Program