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In accordance with the Comprehensive Plan for the formation of an anti-corruption culture in 2017, the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Affairs in Almaty city announces a competition among students and undergraduates for the best videos, articles and the project "Mystery Buyer".


The aim of the competition is to raise awareness, preserve and strengthen anti-corruption values ​​in education, and form an anti-corruption culture.


Themes for videos:

1. Formation of anti-corruption culture in the sphere of education;

2. Young people support not corrupt universities!

3. The future without corruption!;

4. A society without corruption is the future of the nation!;

5. Students against corruption!


Conditions of the competition:

● Students, undergraduates of any university can take part in the competition;

● Video should be dedicated to a specific topic;

● The length of the video should not exceed 3-5 minutes.


Topics for the draft article:

1. Formation of anti-corruption culture in the sphere of education;

2. State anti-corruption policy;

3. A society without corruption;

4. The future without corruption;

5. A society without corruption is the future of the nation!;

6. Students against corruption!


Conditions of the competition:

Students, undergraduates of any university can take part in the competition;

In addition to the topics presented, other topics are allowed;

The volume of the project should not exceed 5 pages.



A special jury will determine the winners;

Videos will be accepted until November 30, 2017.


Those wishing to take part in the competition must send their video by e-mail: or by two copies to the address: Almaty, Seifullin Avenue 555, room №201.

The participant must indicate his surname, name, patronymic, address of residence, telephone number and e-mail address.