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Myrzaly Nazira Berdigulkyzy




Myrzaly Nazira, born on October 15, 1995 in Almaty. In 2016, she graduated from the Abay KazNPU with a degree in "5B090200-Tourism", in 2019 - a master`s degree in the specialty 6B01515-Geography and in 2023 - a doctorate in the specialty 8D01515-Geography. While studying for a master`s degree in 2018-2019 studied at Vilnius University (Lithuania, Vilnius) under the external academic mobility program. In March 2019, she completed a two-week internship at Vytautas Magnus University, also located in Vilnius. in 2022 she became the owner of a Lithuanian state scholarship for doctoral students and studied at Mykolas Roomeris University from September to January 2022-2023. In April-May 2023, she completed a month-long internship at the University of Gdansk (Poland, Gdansk) at the Institute of Natural Sciences. She worked as a lecturer at the Department of Geography and Ecology at Abai KazNPU, as well as part-time in schools in Almaty and Almaty region.

At the moment she is a researcher in projects financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and implemented at the Abay KazNPU, lecturer at university department and a geography teacher.



Educational institution



Abai KazNPU

Bachelor in Services


Abai KazNPU

Master in Geography


Vilnius University

Meteorology (Certificate of Training and Transcript)

January 2019

Abai KazNPU

PhD doctoral studies (not yet defended)


Mikolo Romerio University

PhD doctoral studies (scholarship program, training certificate and transcript)

January 2023



Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma


Geography (educational direction)




Country studies
Climatology and meteorology
Economic and social geography of foreign countries



Topics of research: geopolitics, methods of teaching geography, the use of GIS technology in education, tourism.

1. Мырзалы Н.Б., Улдахан Ш.М., Каймулдинова К.Д., Бейкитова А.Н. "Innovation and changes in education management" // Педагогика и психология. Научно-методический журнал КазНПУ имени Абая. Алматы. 2021. стр. 86-91. Издания, включенные в перечень КОКСОН МНВО РК.

2. Мырзалы Н.Б., Бердыгулова Г.Е., Тилекова Ж.Т. "Studying of the geopolitical issues in the updated content of school geography"// Педагогика и психология. Научно-методический журнал КазНПУ имени Абая. Алматы. 2021. стр. 57-65. Издания, включенные в перечень КОКСОН МНВО РК.

3. Лайсханов Ш.У., Мырзалы Н.Б.*, Коктеубай Ж.Ж., Алиаскаров Д.Т. Applied issues of implementing GIS technologies in school geography // Педагогика и психология. Научно-методический журнал КазНПУ имени Абая. Алматы. 2022. - №1 (50). - стр. 182-190. Издания, включенные в перечень КОКСОН МНВО РК.

4. Лайсханов Ш.У., Усенов Н.Е., Исаков Е.Д., Мырзалы Н.Б.* Мектеп географиясын оқытуда географиялық ақпараттық жүйелерді пайдаланудың мүмкіндіктері // Педагогика и психология. Научно-методический журнал КазНПУ имени Абая. Алматы. 2022. - №1 (50). стр. 94-104. Издания, включенные в перечень КОКСОН МНВО РК.

5. Sh.U. Laiskhanov, Zh.M. Smanov, K.D. Kaimuldinova, N.B. Myrzaly, N.E. Ussenov, M.N. Poshanov and B. Azimkhanov. Study of the Effects of Soil Salinity on the Growth and Development of Maize (Zea Mays L.) by using Sentinel-2 Imagery // OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences. DOI: 10.3844/ojbsci.2022.323.332 (статья в SCOPUS)

6. Laiskhanov, S.; Smanov, Z.; Kaimuldinova, K.; Aliaskarov, D.; Myrzaly, N. Study of the Ecological and Reclamation Condition of Abandoned Saline Lands and Their Development for Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability 2023, 15, 14181.



English proficiency level: IELTS - 6.5



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