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Tournament on Kazakh kures «Tuie Paluan-2019» 

In order to popularize the national type of wrestling «kazak kuresi» among young people, on May 10-11, 2019, a tournament was held among students of universities of Almaty «Tuie Paluan» The sporting event was held as part of the Year of Youth.

The rector of our university Takir Balykbayev opened the tournament. He spoke about the events held in honor of the Year of Youth and wished all the participants good luck and victories. Then, the honorary guests of the tournament - State Coach of Kazakhstan on Kazakh kures Zhenis Bitkozov, General Secretary of the Federation of Kazakhsurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakdaulet Sabitov, Merited Coach of Kazakhstan, Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports Yergali Mukhitdinov, expressed their gratitude to the organizers.

The tournament was attended by 22 athletes from 19 universities in Almaty in the weight category of 85 kg and above. The highest category judges judged athletes.

The prize fund of the tournament amounted to 200,000 tenge for I place, 150,000 tenge for II and 95,000 tenge for III place.

According to the results of the tournament, I place was taken by 1st year student Zhorabek Yerkebulan, II - 1st year student of Abai KazNPU Hamza Nursultan, III place - student of M. Tynyshbaev Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication Zhakyp Nurbol.

All participants of the tournament were awarded with memorable gifts and letters of thanks, and the winners were awarded cash certificates, diplomas and medals.