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Blessed memory of the historian


The opening of the memorial plaque to the Doctor of Historical Sciences, a prominent state and public figure, teacher, Honored Scientist Zhunisbek Zhumabekuly Zhumabekov was held on February 9, 2019 in Almaty, at the house along Abai Avenue, where he lived in 1975-1980.

The event was attended by the administration of the Akimat of Almaty, the leadership of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, public figures, relatives and colleagues of the scientist. The city authorities initiated the installation of the memorial plaque. The chief editor of the President Zhene Khalyk newspaper, Marat Tokashbayev, conducted the ceremony.

«The Almaty city administration has received a lot of suggestions on opening a memorial plaque to prominent figures of science and culture,-said Deputy Head of the Department of Culture of Almaty Daniyar Aliev. - This year, the city administration has decided to open a monument to 19 public figures. And Zhunusbek Zhumabekov`s place is unique».

The honorary mission of the opening of the memorial plaque was presented to Takir Balykbaev, the rector of KazNPU, Pernebek Momynov, a colleague of the scientist and the daughter of the scientist Dana Zhunisbekkyzy.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, KazNPU rector Takir Balykbaev said: - «When Zhunusbek Zhumabekov was the rector of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University in 1974-1980, he has made a great contribution to the development of this institution.

Zhunusbek Zhumabekov was an outstanding figure in the Kazakh scientific world in the 70-80s of the last century and at the same time was a talented organizer of the activities of higher educational institutions. The most important achievements in the period of his leadership of the university were high quality indicators of the level of education, improvement of cultural and living conditions of students. The team of the university with its 90-year history cordially welcomes the opening of a memorial plaque dedicated to the memory of Professor Zhunusbek Zhumabekuly Zhumabekov».

The collaborators of the scientist and his last graduate student Talas Omarbekov spoke, who noted the high moral and scientific qualities of his mentor, and also stressed that «... the bright image of a talented scientist, public figure, skillful organizer Zhunusbek Zhumabekov, who made an enormous contribution to the development of the future of Kazakhstan, will remain in the memory of the people and serve as a bright example for modern youth».

On behalf of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, memorable gifts were given to the relatives of Junusbek Zhumabekov.