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Meeting «Art is our spiritual world»


On May 5, 2022, in school-gymnasium No. 59 of Almaty city was held the meeting of pupils of 8-11 forms with the lecturers of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports of Abai KazNPU with the theme «Journey into the world of art». The aim of the event was to attract young people to creativity and search for new talents.


Master classes in painting, arts and crafts and music were conducted by teachers - Turdygulov Zholausy, Grand Prix winner of «Madeniet Kairatkeri», «Ukili dombra» of RK, special prize «Altyn dombra», Grand Prix of «Dana Kobyz» competition, special prize «Altyn Kobyz», member of Artists Union of Kazakhstan and Union of Masters, professor of Abai KazNPU, member of international festival «Pearls of World Art» in Turkmenistan, the winner of international festival «Orteke»; member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, senior lecturer, master of ceramics Manasov Bagybek; teacher, master of art weaver Ermakhanbetova Akmaral, member of the Union of Designers of Kazakhstan; teacher, modeler Arystanova Gulnur; master, teacher of art education department Amanzhol Sultan; professor of music education and choreography department Ibraeva Kamarsulu, specialist in the sphere of music education; teacher Gulzat Abdykarimova, soloist of ethno-pop group «Konyr», member of Republican Council on public awards.


The meeting with schoolchildren was held as part of the Decade of Aesthetic Disciplines of the Institute.





